Thursday, March 15, 2018


 The fault in our stars, I’m not done with the book yet but so far it is good. The girl (hazel) got diagnosed with cancer and her lung filled with water so she has a breathing tube. Then there’s Augustus waters he is the Romeo to her Juliet and the book is mostly about her life and her being with friends and family.

Wednesday, March 14, 2018


   I woke up my chest hurt and my nose was stuffy. It’s 5:30 I hear my dog howl, I dash down the stairs. When I got down the stairs I see a Tupperware ware that my mom left on the counter was not there anymore I think oh no. I go to my dogs cage and I look down in the corner I see the tupper ware  shredded up and dirty. I let him out and I say bad bad boy he looks up. Me watching him trying to breath with out hurting my chest he walks a step back. He runs up and jumps on me I stumble and smile.

Thursday, March 1, 2018

Slice of life #1

  While I was walking to school I grabbed my phone to look at the time and I felt something fall out of my pocket. I am at the oak park light and I was thinking about the dress down I said in my head good thing I brought my dollar. I look at the time the light changed from red to green I reach in my pocket there is no dollar I look down and there is nothing there. I walk back and I find it down the block. The light turns red I walk back to the crossing guard. Once the light turns green the gaurd starts to question I say its a long story.

Monday, January 29, 2018

Black Fish

My favorite part of black fish was when the trainers got to say their point of view because they are the ones who cloud have had died on theses animals so, they should be able to see what danger the people that hired them are causing. In my opinion i think that the whales should not be in captivity. Because they swim more than 100 miles a day and in a small pool that is probly the size of the YMCA pool just way deeper will not make up for the ocean. I mean the orca is caught by a net put on a transportation plane and with different whales they have to pretend they know just to get fed. And the frozen fish are killing them on the in side because in the wild they swim as much as they want to, to get the fish that are alive.

 People think that the whales are ungrateful for what they have because they hurt the trainers but really its just that they want to be free and explore what they haven’t already in the ocean. It even said in the documentary that the whales eat the walls just to try and set free. And sea world is so brain   Washing to make people think that the whales are actually getting help. They say that the reason their fin  is flipped is because they are getting old and that 60% of whales get one in the wild but only 1% does. So that’s why I think we should shut down sea worlds across the US.

Personal story

 One day me and my cousins were at proksa Park. I was about three and my mom was with us my other cousins were like four five and six. My mom told us to put on our shoes because we were going to the park. When we got to the park my cousin ran to the pond he inspected and got close way to close. My mom said to my cousin “ your going to fall in!”. He said “no I’m not.” As we were leaving he tripped on a rock and fell in face first.” I told him that he should have listened and for once he agreed. BTW was the youngest out of my two other cousins that are twelve and just turned fourteen currently.

Friday, January 19, 2018


I don’t really know how I feel about forgiveness because maybe there something is like murder. But if it where something small then I would not be really mad like stealing a  plastic water bottle or like only one I like a dollar store ornament. Because like come on don’t be dramatic.😐 so I really don’t know how I feel about that one.


I feel that honesty is really important because it can help you. Also that people want to know the truth. I mean  wouldn’t you want to know the truth.